Saturday, October 07, 2006


I am thinking about..
How I'm going to eat that giant cookie, bit by bit.. Savouring every bite, in just a few hours. Yummy.

I said..
"Who is a cute little baby? Who is masi's good boy? That's wight! Ith my Thuf Thuf!! Masi's Big boy!! My chiccckkkeeennn! *Slobbery kiss*"

I want to..
Go to Dubai

I wish..
I didn't have so much homework! And I wish I could drive already!

I miss..
A lot of things.

I hear..
The hoover and Thuf Thuf saying, "aaaahhhhhhh *brrr brr* Aaahhhhhhh *brrrrr*"

I wonder..
What Smelly is doing right now.

I regret..
Gasp! Where do I start?

I am..
Starving, Sneezy.. And having a bad hair day.

I dance..
Better than Smelly.. But still, Like a Clown. =D I dance just like Fog! =D

I sing..
In the bathroom.

I cry..
Like a big baby!! And at least once a week. I'm a bit of an emotional wreck. =D

I am not always..
Understanding and Supportive and Honest

I write..
So that I can entertain people, who understand my rather dry sense of humour.. And because, I obviously love writing! =)

I confuse..
A lot of things, everyday. It's a habit now. I call Thuf Thuf - Cookie or Frosty. And I call the cats - Yousuf. Sigh.

I need..
Food! And some STRONG coffee.

I should try..
To talk more, and do a lot of things differently.

I finish..
All my greens, All the time! *Sparkle* =D

And I tag..
Whoever wants to be tagged.

-- Sometimes I wonder, why exactly do I do such silly things! Oh well. --

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