Thursday, March 29, 2007

And he does it, ladies and gentlemen

Pujy proves what he's made of.. In this fab video!! =D Check out his little dance, it's hila- I mean, so talented! SO very talented! =D

Side note - Dear lord, how did he make it on to YouTube?!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

You give it all, for a miracle - An Update

I Haven't the time to sit and blog for hours.. So this is me, with updates.

- I got my allergy test results today. Let's just say that I have to bid farewell to a few things I already knew about, and others that came to me as a massive surprise. Either ways, tomorrow is the start of my brand new life-styling ways of living. Make sense of that. =D Wish me luck!

- The song "miracle - Vertical Horizon".. has been on repeat these past few hours. For some reason, all the words make sense to me now. After, about 6 years? Tsk.

- I have three courseworks to give in on Friday. I'm done with one soon, and the other too.. One has the title written only, and no text whatsoever. Overall, I think it could've been worse.

- Lately i've been having the strangest of strange dreams. I don't really believe in deciphering the dream very much.. Maybe sometimes when they've been particularly alarming or disturbing in some way.. Otherwise, I usually just let it be.. And unless it's one I deem special enough to share, I share it with my Snuffleupagus.. Who btw, never tells anyones.

- Quit commenting on my blog as Anonymous users, unless it's Anisa or Shafina. Cause they are very lazy to just sign in, and actually put their names. Whoever else it is, either put your name and let me get some sleep at night.. Or else. I have strong, muscular contacts okay. "Don't mess wit me, yo!" - okay maybe not.

- My cats have become very sleepy these past few days. All they want to do is sleep in various places over the house. If mum stays awake later than 11PM, Cookie comes howling, trying to find her so he can go to bed. Tsk. We can't even watch TV past 11 now, not cause there's crap on.. But cause of the cats! Forget that, I can't even use my chair to sit on whilst I try to study, because Cookie pulls this absolutely sorryful looking face, that makes me feel so bad.. That I just take all my stuff, sit on the floor and get bad back aches just so he can turn around on the chair, and say "SUCKER".. Tsk. Things we do for cats.. Honestly, we're half mental.

- Any suggestions on Summer holidays? Email me/IM me.

- 24 continues to increase my adrenaline with every episode. Only have three more DVD's left of this season, and then on to the second! Gasp. I love Jack. Jack is the best. Jack is my hero. Jack is so invincible. Jack, I love you. Jack, you are my star. Jack I love the way you do that hand movement to your eyes and tell people to watch out, it's so very slick. Oh Jack, what more can I say?! Apart from the fact that Anisa thinks you are a *real* person, and honestly doesn't know your real name - ie - Keifer Sutherland. Tsk.

- We have a new addition to the family - yes my friends. We, have a fish tank. All filled with Guppies, Swordtail fish, and.. *thinks* I think that's it. It's so unfair how the male fish all look so pretty and are filled with colours and design. Whereas the females are so bland, and just have one colour. Just like how it is in the Bird Kingdom.. Ahem, you know you've past the level of insanity when you start talking about animals, and referring to their *kingdoms*.

- The Curse still continues, as more of my friends or acquantiances find themselves in a right old pickle yet again. Not a good year for relationships, I say. *Shakes head profusely*

- I am now known as the ChaosBuster. - More on that later, when I have the time to entertain you all. Honestly, I do have other lives you know. Tsk. And yes I said *lives*.. There are more than one of me you know.

- One Tree Hill returns tonight, and I cannot wait for the next episode. As soon as this stressful week is over, I am going to be stuck staring at my laptop screen again, watching and catching up on all my shows. I've missed them so much =(

- Finally, Congratulations to Pujy, who will be leaving to Sydney soon! Everything worked out well, as I always said. So I take this fine opportunity to scream out loud from ontop of the roof - "I TOLD YOU SO".. Hah! *Dances around the room, until she falls down.. Over a ruler. Tsk* Don't forget me, because you know your sister and I, will hunt you down, and embarras you infront of your "cool" friends. =D Have an absolutely fab time, and.. Don't do anything I wouldn't do *Whistles innocently*. Ooh, don't become all gora-fied, and speak with a strange accent. I get scared enough when you talk with that *shudder* american accent.. And don't cry either. You're a big boy "GRR"..
Alright, jokes aside.. I hope it's everything you've dreamed of and so very much more. You honestly deserve this, and I hope everything goes very smoothly, from here on end.. Take care of yourself and I know it's still 2 weeks too early, but I know you'll be busy packing and what not, which is why I said, you need the CHAOSBUSTER! Have a fab time, and I hope you settle down just fine. I'll always be here for you, you know.. Swatting flies, and talking to myself. =) With much love, luck, fairy sprinkle powder, a pot of gold, rainbows and sunshine.. Good Luck!! =D

..And with that, I bid you all farewell for a while, whilst I get my doings and sayings in order. Till next time, hold on tight and continue fighting off the badies. Or just call dear Jack to help you.. Here's something for some of you, who can relate to this absolutely profound quote thing that Lucas Scott says. =D

Life comes at us from out of the darkness.. And at times we can struggle to find the courage to face it.

When life comes rushing at you from out of the darkness, who will you choose to face it with? Will it be someone you trust? Will they be wise? And will their love for you help them to guide you to the light? Or will they lose their way in the darkness? Will they make noble choices, or will that person be someone untested, someone new?

Life comes rushing at you from out of the darkness.. When it does - Is there someone in your life you can count on? Someone who will watch over you, when you stumble and fall? And in that moment.. Give you the strength to face your fears.. Alone?

Sunday, March 25, 2007


As you all may know, British Summer time has begun. It started at 1.00AM 25th March. Meaning, it skipped to 2.00AM as soon as it turned 1.00. So.. Anyone who did live through 1.00AM, how was it?! Since I skipped an hour of my life. Gasp.

[I know it's sad. I just have to do that everytime the clocks go back/forward *sizzle*]

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Curse

Recently, a lot of things have been happening.. Strange and unfortunate things, in lives of people I know. Suddenly, relationships are at stake, and lives are falling apart in desperate measures to make things right.

It's hard to understand, sometimes.. Why we continuously find ourselves in some sort of tangle.. That as well, when you've just untangled yourself from the last issue. You barely have time to breathe, and you're up again, fighting all the badies yet again. It's this sick cycle.. that happens to come a few times a year, and this my friend.. Is its time.

It's been like this ever since this year started. I now realise why I dreaded the start of this year.. but then again, after almost three months into it, I realise.. "Hey, it wasn't all that bad.." Only cause I just know something bigger lies ahead. Cause that's all you do. You wait for things to happen, and then confront them.. Wait, and confront..

But all I can say for now is, "When you're older, you will understand".. Till then, to everyone who has something going on [you know who you all are].. Take it easy, and don't let it take you over. Stop over-thinking and take it a day at a time.

The curse does go away sometime, I know that. I just don't know when.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Away We Go.

Looking for something I've never seen
Alone and I'm in between
The place that i'm from and the place that I'm in
A city I never been
I found a friend or should I say a foe
Said there's just a few things you should know
We don't want you to see, we come and we go
Here today, gone tomorrow..

We're only taking turns
Holding this world
It's how it's always been
When you're older.. You will understand.

And here I go. One Last Time.

Monday, March 12, 2007


For a while now.. I've been in constant thought. Thoughts about how I could've done so many things so very differently over the years. More so, last year and the past couple of weeks. We all make mistakes, all do a lot of things that we shouldn't have, or should have. But then, there comes a time.. Where you just sit and realise, all the things you did wrong. For me, that time comes at least once, everyday.

Over the years, especially the past five.. I've never taken massive leaps of faith. I've never really been the one to take chances, or to you know.. Do something extraordinary and wild. I've always been the girl in the corner, staring at her feet and drifting off to another place. I've never mixed well with big crowds, and I still don't. I always need to look for an escape, whether it's leaving early, or whether it's sitting in the corner of a room, and just texting someone who makes me feel comfy. In the past year and few months, I've said "I should have.." the most. And honestly, being 18.. and saying things like that is quite.. Sad. Having so many regrets already, is very.. Strange.

Seeing myself now though, I've changed a lot. For me to say something like that, is pretty rare. I notice subtle changes within myself, but I still do have those regrets, everyday. I still wish I had done so many more things, when I had the chance to.. Going on those crazy roller-coasters at theme parks. Or something even more bigger, like saying the right things for once. I've only ever seen myself as someone who always does the opposite of what she's meant to. But I think maybe, that's all in order to change now.. At least, I hope so.

Over the past couple of weeks, a lot of things have come to my attention. I've had to make a lot changes in me, just to make things right. At the time, it was probably one of the most painful things to do. Letting go of all the comfort I knew of, for all those years.. That, safety bubble. Ever since I was young, I was always very protected. My dad wouldn't let me even cry or throw tantrums for something I wanted. It's safe to say, I was pretty much spoilt by my parents. He'd hold my hand to cross the road till I was 14. I used to hold on to his big index finger, till then.. So you can imagine how hard it was for me, to just learn to walk on my own, let alone cross the street. One of my dad's greatest fears was that one day, his daughters would actually grow up. Seeing me turn 18 would've probably made him so very emotional, and possibly would have broken him, as it would've made him realise that I was old enough now, to make my own decisions, and finally leave home and make my life.. It was probably a thought that scared him, everyday.. Although now that I think about it, I doubt I'd've ever even taken this step had he been here. I would have just left it up to him, to make my decisions for me, and make my pro's and con's lists too.. Leaving all of this behind has been a challenge, and it's still an on-going process which is also better known as, "growing up".

I've realised though, after much in-depth contemplation, that having regrets only slows down productive processes. It only gives me a reason to not do something, or get somewhere.. and sit and procrastinate further. I've had far too many "should have" and "could have's" to last me for a very very long time. But I think it's time to just put that all behind me.. Put it all behind me, and "live in the moment", rather than waste my time now, in regret.

So, here's to all of you who have issues like I do. And to the rest, who I hope don't ever have the opportunity to say.. "I should have".

Alas, my work is done here for the day.. I leave you all to this appropriate quote from One Tree Hill.

Regret comes in all shapes and sizes. Some are small.. Like when we do a bad thing for a good reason. Some are bigger.. Like when you let down a friend.

Some of us escape the pain of regret by making the right choice. Some of us have little time for regret, because we're looking forward to the future. Sometimes, we have to fight to come to terms with the past.. And sometimes, we bury our regret by promising to change our own ways.

But, our biggest regrets are not for the things we did - But, for the things we didn't do. Things we didn't say, that could've saved someone we care about.. Especially when we can see the dark storm that's headed their way..

Thursday, March 08, 2007

What cat's really think..

It's been ages since i've blogged. Yes, I know.. Tsk at me. But honestly I've been so very busy trying to work out intricate details about my cats.. It's been hard work. But I think I've finally figured them out.. Now, let me share with you.. My wisefulness.

Ahem. As we all know, cats once ruled the world, and because of that, they still have not forgotten that, and act snobbish still. They expect us to wait on them all day long, with a plate full of sardines
and boiled peas. Oh, and we do.. We cat people do absolutely anything and everything in our power to keep our cats happy. Even if that means going through a few dozen scratches, hair-pulling days, and extremely fishy-smelling food stuff. We do it all.. And happily. We want to make sure they don't even lift up a paw to do any work.. And trust me, they expect nothing less from us.

Over the years that I've had Cookie, I've realised what he really thinks of us. Idiots, is an understatement, as is servant. But you can kind of see where I am going with all of this.. Yes, we were born to be cat slaves. And we don't even complain.

Cookie is very snobby. If he were a human, he'd be an englishman who spoke like the queen, and waved his hands around to call us to wait on him. He'd call us "wallies" and send back his plate of caviar every time. He'd be grumpy and would would moan and groan all day long about how we can't get anything right.

If Frosty was a human, he'd be french and would be called "Jean Pierre". He'd pout all day long and say things like, "Jouons le poker".. [Yes, what can I say.. After I watched Danny007, I've been obsessed] He'd have a pastry in one hand, and cheese in the other. He'd say things like, "suivez-moi".. Just like Jacques from Finding Nemo.

Now.. On to the main bit.

What do cat's really think?

Cat's are very royal-ish. It goes without saying that they think of themselves as Kings and Queens, forget princes and princesses! They want to be treated that way, and to be honest they deserve the best of the best. Cats are not just animals, they are animals with class, pride and absolute snotty-ness. But we love them for it, and wouldn't have it any other way.

We cat people may have a slightly unhealthy obsession with feline's.. But honestly, it's worth every bit. Coming home to a cat is possibly one of the most warmest and undescribable feelings in the world.. Just when the look at you with those round innocent eyes, and purr around your legs asking for some food.. It's to die for. Or when they scatch the door down every morning, just to get an hours worth of sleep next to you on your pillow and blanket.. Sigh.

Everyone should have a cat. Or cats.. =D