It's been a while since I've ranted, or something of the sort.. So let us commence. (Ooh, big word! =D)
- I wish there was an easier way to get to a place that is 3,000 (or so) miles away. Planes take too long, and the sea would take even longer. Cars don't go there, and even if they did, it would take long as well. Walking isn't an option, so obviously, running wouldn't be either. I just wish there was a way to be closer.. And I wish there was a way I could be there more than once a year. =(
- This morning I woke up with the fattest pimple on my forehead. In such an obvious place as well! It was red, and big and painful. My whole face looked like it had shrunk, and the pimple was taking over. Blah. I felt horrible! But that was solved, when I put toothpaste on it, and let it sting for about 5 minutes.. After that, some carpenters came over to fix shelves. They kept staring at my forehead, and I didn't know why.. I thought nothing of it, and carried on. My driving instructor walks in minutes later, to cancel my driving lesson for another day (which was good, since I didn't feel like driving today!), and he laughed at my head as well. I thought it was rather mean to laugh at my pimple, until I realised I had a big blob of toothpaste still stuck on my head. What a twit, I am. Tsk.
- I planned to start using the gym from today. It went pretty good actually. I felt re-energised and quite fresh.. Which is new to me, since I always feel weak, sleepy and basically lathargic. I had to obviously take it slow, and start off with minimal exercise today.. So I did 10 minutes on the cycle, treadmil and this fun stepper thing that makes you feel like your flying =D. So that was pretty good! My next session, I'll go on to 20 minutes.. And so on. I hope I stick to it this time, I think I'm pretty determined this time around! *Proud smile*
- My cat sleeps on my bed again. Not just on my bed, no no.. But on MY pillow and MY blanket. I can't pull the blanket towards me, if it's gathered near him since it would wake him up. I can't shift my head much on the pillow, since he wakes up and gives me the most irritated look ever! It's as though he's telling me, "CAN'T YOU SEE I'M SLEEPING! YOU'RE DISTURBING ME WOMAN!".. Tsk tsk. What can we do? After all, they are biladi's =D
- Jealousy. It's a sick thing. Sick as in, it can make YOU sick. The amount of suspicion, paranoia and anger that goes along with it, can literally drive you insane. It's no joke!! It starts off as a small event, but as time goes by, your brain SEARCHES for reasons to make you feel worse. And Worse. And worser (it's a word.. =P). At the end of it, you'd've gained nothing from it, but sleepless nights, black eyes, migraines and ofcourse, a person who most definitely thinks you are crazy.. But hey, it just shows how much you really care *Innocent face* - So, in conclusion, you're allowed to be as jealous as you like.. As long as you don't go and hurt someone, physically. Ahem. Cough Cough.
- When I was about 12, I made a promise to myself.. That I'd never like or you know, particularly associate with Gujji's. Ahem, yes it was pretty rude and mean of me, I know.. But come on. Anyways, ever since then, I've had crushes on gujji guys - famous or not, throughout secondary school. Now, Ahem.. I rather not comment *whistles innocently*. One of the most important people in my life, is gujji. And not any gujji, but PROPER gujji. Gasp. As for Upen Patel. His surname is Patel.. Seriously, what more can I say? Now that I've established this little pattern, I'm sure that Wenty and Abhishek have some sort of Gujji connection in their blood, somewhere. We are all Gujji's, in some way. And we have to be related to one, undoubtedly.. No matter how un-gujji you look. It's true. Gujji's are taking over the world, I say. They are everywhere you turn. *Faints*
- So today is Halloween, and well.. I don't really feel all halloween-ish this year. Last year, there were plenty of trick-or-treater's on the streets.. But they never settle for tricks, though. Hmm. Imagine this - You're a young child, and have a group of friends with you. You've all betted that you will be the one with the most treats, this Halloween. So, you all go off to different parts of the neighbourhood, and begin collecting your treats. You come across an old fogey (I don't mean an elderly person, by the way. I'm not that mean =P) who opens the door, and gives you the oldest trick in the book. Yes, that one. The one where the coin disappears behind their hairy ear. Now, how disappointed would you be? Obviously, very. Since, hardly anyone was home to begin with.. And when you come across a person who looks interesting, they go and give you a trick, and you have to laugh at them in awe. Obviously, you wait around for something more. Something.. More on the candy side of things.. However, the man smiles at you, thinking he gave you the best Halloween trick ever. He closes the door, and pats himself on the shoulder, out of how amazing he was. You, at the other side of the door, stand there, wondering what in heaven's name that man did. And find out, that.. You have only 5 pieces of chocolate in your bag. How awful is that? - The point of my little, "imagine this" story.. Nothing really. =D Apart from, well.. If these kids do come knocking on your door tonight, give them treats! Not silly old tricks.. And if you do give a trick, give some treats along with it =P I know how sad it is, when you get no chocolates/sweets .. It's heart-breaking.
- Did you ever wonder why, when you smell something.. Say, a particular perfume, why so many memories, usually concerning ONE person and ONE moment, come rushing back? Sigh, the same happened to me this morning.. I smelt, Acqua Di Gio. I was so.. Well, dazed.. That I smiled to myself, endlessly, before a tear dropped down. Now, this man who was wearing it, looked behind, cause I started sniffing (apparently, it was very obvious. Who knew? =$) and I saw his face.. He was about 45 with a beer-belly and had a bald patch in the front of his head. Saucy. He so did not suit that perfume.. AT ALL! Tsk Tsk.
- I watched, "Brick" this morning.. It was.. Interestingly strange. Very well directed, I must say.. But strange. But I enjoyed it! =D The next few movies in my list are:
- Memento
- The Shawshank Redemption
- The Departed
- Step up
- A Good Year
- Saw III
- Flushed Away
- Open Season
I think my taste in movies, is changing.. I'm being more open towards movies and TV shows that I wouldn't of watched, say.. Erm.. 4 months ago. I only sticked to - Chick Flicks ( I still love them =P ) and Cartoons. But I must admit, I am happier with, where my taste is going! =D Yaay!
- I think, I use, a lot of, comma's, don't you agree, with me? =D
- I think that's enough for today.. I've said a lot. And I'm feeling so sleepy now. And I have an early start tomorrow morning.. *Cries*. =(
Till then, this I, THE ant. (Get it? =P) and several other personalities that I have adopted, saying.. Goodnight, and adieu (for the time being).
Ta ra.
And oh, a little something for the Halloweener's.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Dulce Et Decorum Est
I'm not one to really enjoy war poetry as such. I actually, usually fall asleep.. But this one, by Willfred Owen.. Actually made me feel some sort of emotion. It's quite a graphic poem, about the first World War.. Read it, if you're bothered. It's quite nice.
Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs
And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
Of disappointed shells that dropped behind.
GAS! Gas! Quick, boys!-- An ecstasy of fumbling,
Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time;
But someone still was yelling out and stumbling
And floundering like a man in fire or lime.--
Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.
In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,
He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.
If in some smothering dreams you too could pace
Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin;
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,--
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori.
Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs
And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
Of disappointed shells that dropped behind.
GAS! Gas! Quick, boys!-- An ecstasy of fumbling,
Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time;
But someone still was yelling out and stumbling
And floundering like a man in fire or lime.--
Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.
In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,
He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.
If in some smothering dreams you too could pace
Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin;
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,--
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Upen Patel
Ever since I saw him in the "Aashique" video, from 36 China Town.. I've been meaning to post up a picture of this hunk. Drool.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
The Golden Oldies
Over the past month, I've re-visited a lot of the oldie stuff - movies, music and tv programmes. It's been quite interesting, to be honest!
It started with some old music. I've continuously been watching Magic and Flaunt - Both channels always have old music videos playing.. It's been really great actually, cause most of those songs bring back a lot of memories. Shaf and Anisa have been talking about them as well, and telling me about their memories, since all of those songs are of *their time*.. This morning, I watched Michael Jackson's Thriller video.. And I have to admit, it's probably one of my favourites! =D It's just one of those. The kind that stays with you, for many years.. And never grows old. Look at the new Westlife song, The Rose, for example.. I love it right now, but say.. 2 weeks from now, I'll be bored of it.. Why? Because they just keep playing it over and over again. Making it unbearable to hear anymore..
As for Indian songs, I love the old ones.. Completely! The newer ones all have a similar tune to it, especially with that singer, who sings mostly all the songs these days! But otherwise, the old ones are just absolutely B R I L L I A N T! =D The lyrics were beautiful and simple yet very deep. The music was soft yet effective and the singers had gorgeous voices as well.. Mohammed Rafi and Kishore Kumar, are just unbeatable. Remixing them now, has just ruined their essence and you know. Ruined them.
On the other hand, I've realised something else as well. Music in this day and age, is getting too repetative and boring. Whenever I flick through the rest of the music channels (MTV UK, MTV, Bliss, The Box, Smash hits, The Hits, The music factory, Q, Scuzz and Kerrang!) there's always something that is either vulger, loud or absolutely pathetic. It's always the same R&B song, The same style of Hip Hop non sense, and sadly enough, the same "rock" stuff - which is all emo and basically crap. I don't particularly like putting them in genre's as such, but that's what these channels do these days. Every channel has the same kind of song playing - Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Snoop dog and Girls Aloud/The PCD - It get's quite annoying, really. None of these bands/singers have any depth. There's nothing capturing about their songs, and they aren't even worthy enough to listen to, just for fun.
Along with that, the same sort of goes with the movies as well.. Take for example, horror movies.. Most of them have similar story lines, gore, blood and basically every other generic element all of them do. We watched some of the older Horror movies in Media, and it's been quite interesting. They're completely not scary, and if they even have a tinge of it, it turns out to be rather humourous towards the end! =D But then again, I love movies anyways. Whether they are old or new, they are movies.. And I am a movie-buff! =D
TV shows, have been.. Hmm. I don't really know about that. I love the shows that come on now, for example; One Tree Hill, Six Feet Under, Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy, Prison Break, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, The O.C., House M.D and ofcourse, Boston Legal - They are all absolutely brilliant!! But then again, the oldies just have a league of their own.. - Some mothers do 'ave em, Keeping up Appearances, Murder She wrote, Happy Days, Bottom and so on.. - Those just have a completely different humour/thriller stlye and basically the way they presented their shows.. So yes, there is a massive difference between the Old and New.. But which do I like better? Hmm.. Hard to say, but I'm guessing that for music, I'm sticking with the old and familiar! =D
Rightio, I shall bid you all farewell now. Please stop crying.. Now now, I'll be back soon =D
It started with some old music. I've continuously been watching Magic and Flaunt - Both channels always have old music videos playing.. It's been really great actually, cause most of those songs bring back a lot of memories. Shaf and Anisa have been talking about them as well, and telling me about their memories, since all of those songs are of *their time*.. This morning, I watched Michael Jackson's Thriller video.. And I have to admit, it's probably one of my favourites! =D It's just one of those. The kind that stays with you, for many years.. And never grows old. Look at the new Westlife song, The Rose, for example.. I love it right now, but say.. 2 weeks from now, I'll be bored of it.. Why? Because they just keep playing it over and over again. Making it unbearable to hear anymore..
As for Indian songs, I love the old ones.. Completely! The newer ones all have a similar tune to it, especially with that singer, who sings mostly all the songs these days! But otherwise, the old ones are just absolutely B R I L L I A N T! =D The lyrics were beautiful and simple yet very deep. The music was soft yet effective and the singers had gorgeous voices as well.. Mohammed Rafi and Kishore Kumar, are just unbeatable. Remixing them now, has just ruined their essence and you know. Ruined them.
On the other hand, I've realised something else as well. Music in this day and age, is getting too repetative and boring. Whenever I flick through the rest of the music channels (MTV UK, MTV, Bliss, The Box, Smash hits, The Hits, The music factory, Q, Scuzz and Kerrang!) there's always something that is either vulger, loud or absolutely pathetic. It's always the same R&B song, The same style of Hip Hop non sense, and sadly enough, the same "rock" stuff - which is all emo and basically crap. I don't particularly like putting them in genre's as such, but that's what these channels do these days. Every channel has the same kind of song playing - Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Snoop dog and Girls Aloud/The PCD - It get's quite annoying, really. None of these bands/singers have any depth. There's nothing capturing about their songs, and they aren't even worthy enough to listen to, just for fun.
Along with that, the same sort of goes with the movies as well.. Take for example, horror movies.. Most of them have similar story lines, gore, blood and basically every other generic element all of them do. We watched some of the older Horror movies in Media, and it's been quite interesting. They're completely not scary, and if they even have a tinge of it, it turns out to be rather humourous towards the end! =D But then again, I love movies anyways. Whether they are old or new, they are movies.. And I am a movie-buff! =D
TV shows, have been.. Hmm. I don't really know about that. I love the shows that come on now, for example; One Tree Hill, Six Feet Under, Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy, Prison Break, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, The O.C., House M.D and ofcourse, Boston Legal - They are all absolutely brilliant!! But then again, the oldies just have a league of their own.. - Some mothers do 'ave em, Keeping up Appearances, Murder She wrote, Happy Days, Bottom and so on.. - Those just have a completely different humour/thriller stlye and basically the way they presented their shows.. So yes, there is a massive difference between the Old and New.. But which do I like better? Hmm.. Hard to say, but I'm guessing that for music, I'm sticking with the old and familiar! =D
Rightio, I shall bid you all farewell now. Please stop crying.. Now now, I'll be back soon =D
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
100th Post
"You ever look at a picture of yourself, and see a stranger in the background? It makes you wonder, how many strangers have pictures of you.. How many moments of other peoples lives have we been in.. Were we a part of someone's life when their dreams came true; or were we there when their dreams died? Did we keep trying to get in, as if we were somehow destined to be there.. Or did the shot take us by surprise. Just think.. You could be a big part of someone else's life, and not even know it.."
- Lucas Scott (OTH)
So, I've been trying to think of an appropriate 100th post, for over a week now. Ever since I realised that, this one was on it's way.. I started thinking, really hard. Afterall, It *is* a big deal. I mean, I've been keeping you all entertained and bored for ages now!
However, first things first.. Who really reads my blog?? *Thinks*.. Commentify on my blog, to let me know.. I'm curious. Keep your name as Anonymous, and I'll personally, hurt you =P
So what have I really been blogging about?? *Scratches head*.. I mean, it's definitely not you know, intellectual stuff.. Then what really is it?? Hmm, something to think about..
Other than that, let me update you on my life, as of the past few days. Hold on tight, It may be too exciting for some.
- Eid was pretty okay. The usual family gathering, was actually good.. I was in a daze, at the end of it though.. And I don't think I mingled much, just singled myself out on the "stairs", where the "loners" [or the earwax, bogeys, nose hairs, and warts sit] hang around. But other than that, it was really nice, seeing everyone together after ages. I had an emotional moment (what is eid, without those, eh?) with my uncle.. Which was, needed.. I suppose. And so as a whole, it was good, and tiring!! Obviously, the food was absolutely SCRUMPTIOUS!! I love Biryani, all over again.. *Slurp*
- My week, has been a very big roller coaster ride. A very bad attempt, to describe it, but hey.. I guess that sums it up, rather well.. I keep failing to keep things going at a normal level, and yeah. I just keep messing up, every few hours, you could say.. Other than that, I have a crap load of homework to get through, and I've not even seen any of it yet. Maybe I should go out, take a long walk, and clear out my head.. And just start off on something.
- Chocolates have become a big part of my life, all over again.. My aunt brought home a HUGE tin of Quality Street. And you know what that means.. All the nutty/truffley and gooey chocolates have been or are being consumed, by the hour. I think that's what kept me going yesterday.. Since it was a rather dull day.. It's moments like those, you realise how much Chocolate really means to you! I mean, you can suddenly burst into tears, and have a finely wrapped chocolate next to you. As you unwrap it, you feel your tears drop continuously on your clothes.. When that pure piece of goodness goes into your mouth, you feel, just for a moment.. Everything that makes you upset, go away.. Obviously, that feeling lasts, as long as the chocolate does.. Which is barely a minute or so. But hey, anything to make yourself smile..
- I've been bad this year, with wishing everyone Eid Mubarak! I usually send out emails, texts and even call people.. This year, I didn't do much of any of those. So to everyone, hope you had a good one too!! And a [very belated] Eid mubarak!
- University stuff is coming along, fine.. I have finally finalised my options. I checked out every possible you know, criteria for each of them, and made a list of 6. Now that I have them, I feel like I achieved something this week.. Not much, but still, something! =)
- Saw 3 is out this week!! I cannot wait to watch it!! The other two parts were brilliant, and I hope this one lives upto them as well!!
- Other than all that blab, the cats have been having a great week. With Cookie getting stuck on the roof [for the second time in the same week, at the same place. Tsk] and with Frosty chasing some weird creature under a tree.. I think they have the most relaxing lives. I mean, take for example, Cookie's little adventure. He got stuck on the roof, and all he had to do, was miaw really loud. Once, we heard it (it's unmissable, I tell you!).. We all ran to each corner of the house with a window, to try and get him up. We spent about 30 minutes getting him down, and when Tal Bhai finally took him down, he started purring, and rolling around on the floor.. After that, he ate food, and slept. Now in that one hour, WE did all that for him, as his little servants. Sigh.. The life of a cat. I wonder what I'd do if I were a cat for a day!
- I absolutely love this song.. Check it out here.. (I couldn't be bothered to put the video up here!) It's Atif Aslam - Tere Bin, from the movie Bas Ek Pal - Which by the way, no one should watch. Why? Because of their attempt to speak in english, and also because of the terrible storyline. It actually got a 6.9 on IMDB. Gasp. It was pathetic.
- I believe I should actually do some work now.. Ahem. Tsk Tsk.. I just can't get up though. My bed is far too warm. And plus, I have nothing better to do anyways. =(
Hope you all have a good day!
Ta ra, from the 100th post-person!
- Lucas Scott (OTH)
So, I've been trying to think of an appropriate 100th post, for over a week now. Ever since I realised that, this one was on it's way.. I started thinking, really hard. Afterall, It *is* a big deal. I mean, I've been keeping you all entertained and bored for ages now!
However, first things first.. Who really reads my blog?? *Thinks*.. Commentify on my blog, to let me know.. I'm curious. Keep your name as Anonymous, and I'll personally, hurt you =P
So what have I really been blogging about?? *Scratches head*.. I mean, it's definitely not you know, intellectual stuff.. Then what really is it?? Hmm, something to think about..
Other than that, let me update you on my life, as of the past few days. Hold on tight, It may be too exciting for some.
- Eid was pretty okay. The usual family gathering, was actually good.. I was in a daze, at the end of it though.. And I don't think I mingled much, just singled myself out on the "stairs", where the "loners" [or the earwax, bogeys, nose hairs, and warts sit] hang around. But other than that, it was really nice, seeing everyone together after ages. I had an emotional moment (what is eid, without those, eh?) with my uncle.. Which was, needed.. I suppose. And so as a whole, it was good, and tiring!! Obviously, the food was absolutely SCRUMPTIOUS!! I love Biryani, all over again.. *Slurp*
- My week, has been a very big roller coaster ride. A very bad attempt, to describe it, but hey.. I guess that sums it up, rather well.. I keep failing to keep things going at a normal level, and yeah. I just keep messing up, every few hours, you could say.. Other than that, I have a crap load of homework to get through, and I've not even seen any of it yet. Maybe I should go out, take a long walk, and clear out my head.. And just start off on something.
- Chocolates have become a big part of my life, all over again.. My aunt brought home a HUGE tin of Quality Street. And you know what that means.. All the nutty/truffley and gooey chocolates have been or are being consumed, by the hour. I think that's what kept me going yesterday.. Since it was a rather dull day.. It's moments like those, you realise how much Chocolate really means to you! I mean, you can suddenly burst into tears, and have a finely wrapped chocolate next to you. As you unwrap it, you feel your tears drop continuously on your clothes.. When that pure piece of goodness goes into your mouth, you feel, just for a moment.. Everything that makes you upset, go away.. Obviously, that feeling lasts, as long as the chocolate does.. Which is barely a minute or so. But hey, anything to make yourself smile..
- I've been bad this year, with wishing everyone Eid Mubarak! I usually send out emails, texts and even call people.. This year, I didn't do much of any of those. So to everyone, hope you had a good one too!! And a [very belated] Eid mubarak!
- University stuff is coming along, fine.. I have finally finalised my options. I checked out every possible you know, criteria for each of them, and made a list of 6. Now that I have them, I feel like I achieved something this week.. Not much, but still, something! =)
- Saw 3 is out this week!! I cannot wait to watch it!! The other two parts were brilliant, and I hope this one lives upto them as well!!
- Other than all that blab, the cats have been having a great week. With Cookie getting stuck on the roof [for the second time in the same week, at the same place. Tsk] and with Frosty chasing some weird creature under a tree.. I think they have the most relaxing lives. I mean, take for example, Cookie's little adventure. He got stuck on the roof, and all he had to do, was miaw really loud. Once, we heard it (it's unmissable, I tell you!).. We all ran to each corner of the house with a window, to try and get him up. We spent about 30 minutes getting him down, and when Tal Bhai finally took him down, he started purring, and rolling around on the floor.. After that, he ate food, and slept. Now in that one hour, WE did all that for him, as his little servants. Sigh.. The life of a cat. I wonder what I'd do if I were a cat for a day!
- I absolutely love this song.. Check it out here.. (I couldn't be bothered to put the video up here!) It's Atif Aslam - Tere Bin, from the movie Bas Ek Pal - Which by the way, no one should watch. Why? Because of their attempt to speak in english, and also because of the terrible storyline. It actually got a 6.9 on IMDB. Gasp. It was pathetic.
- I believe I should actually do some work now.. Ahem. Tsk Tsk.. I just can't get up though. My bed is far too warm. And plus, I have nothing better to do anyways. =(
Hope you all have a good day!
Ta ra, from the 100th post-person!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
.. And the 4th worst place to live in the UK is.. NEWHAM!! WOO HOO!!!!
I always knew it would've been in the list. But in the top 5. Damn! That is bad.. But hey, have you ever even been to Forest Gate station?? It's absolutely disgusting.. Oh well. This calls for a party. Definitely..
Check out the rest of the stats and positions of other places. Hackney, was voted number 1! haha! =D I think Newham should beat them next year. *Fingers Crossed* =P
I always knew it would've been in the list. But in the top 5. Damn! That is bad.. But hey, have you ever even been to Forest Gate station?? It's absolutely disgusting.. Oh well. This calls for a party. Definitely..
Check out the rest of the stats and positions of other places. Hackney, was voted number 1! haha! =D I think Newham should beat them next year. *Fingers Crossed* =P
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Season 4 of One Tree Hill, keeps getting better with each episode. More twists, and definitely more " O M G's".. Hey, I may not be all "like, totally" anymore, but I still have my moments! Especially with One Tree Hill!!
Well, here's one of the quote thingies, Voiced over by Lucas - in the second episode. Sigh..
Well, here's one of the quote thingies, Voiced over by Lucas - in the second episode. Sigh..
There are moments in our lives, when we find ourselves at crossroads. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days.
And, ofcourse, when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back.
There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at crossroads.
But once in a while, people push onto something better. Something found, just beyond the pain of doing it alone. And just beyond the bravery and courage it takes, to let someone in. Or to give someone a second chance.. Something beyond the quiet persistence of a dream.
Because, it's only when you're tested, that you truly discover who you are. And it's only when you're tested, that you discover who you can be.. The person you want to be does exist; somewhere on the other side of hard work and faith, and belief. And, beyond the heartache and fear of what lies ahead..
Friday, October 20, 2006
The Rose
Westlife have recently released their new album, "The Love Album".. They have some good songs on there. My favourite has to be, "The dance" and "The Rose".. Both, very nice, slow songs. It's been ages since I've heard a GOOD, mellow song.
A few songs are worth, downloading.. Others, are just the same old, Westlife stuff. Which is good, but can get a bit boring from time to time! So check it out, if you want! =D
Here's my new, song. I lourve it.
A few songs are worth, downloading.. Others, are just the same old, Westlife stuff. Which is good, but can get a bit boring from time to time! So check it out, if you want! =D
Here's my new, song. I lourve it.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Dreaming of another place
.. Ahem. Yes, I stole the title =P. But I had to okay!! I've been feeling all lost in my own world lately.. So I thought I'd put up a few pictures, of places I'd love to be right now.. Hmm.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
" Sitting here, staring at the wall,
another lonely, tear falls
I'm trying to write you this song
but I can hardly, see the page at all..
Cause it's breaking my heart,
when I look in your eyes,
and I don't see me.. anymore
When you're all I'm living for.."
This song, [Not ready for Goodbye - All 4 one] was probably my most frequently played song, in 2002 - 2003.. Someone close to me, at the time, loved this song. It was always playing, everytime we went anywhere.. And it kind of stuck with me, from there on.
I haven't heard that song much, since then. Today, however, I was on the train, and my iPod was on shuffle.. That song suddenly came on, and whenever that happens, I usually skip it to the next.. Today, I listened to the whole thing, and let those memories, rush back in.
It felt.. Very.. Strange. I felt.. Very lost for a while, and also upset. It's been ages since I've sat down, and heard that song.. It was like, I was re-living some of the [good] memories. How weird is it, that something happy, can make you feel so torn apart, and so alone, all of a sudden?
Everytime someone has asked me, "what song do you like best?", or something to that affect. I'm always stuck. I don't have a "favourite" song, so to speak.. Everyday, according to how I feel, I fit to a song. That one song, explains what I'm feeling.
It's been a long time since I've actually heard all those songs, that make me remember something good, from the past few years. Songs are something.. That can take you waaaay back, a good 10 years, and make you remember something significant, that you thought you had forgotten. They can also make you cry, out of sheer pain and lonliness.
There is no particular "style" of music I listen to.. I listen to a bit of a lot, really. Apart from all of that Rap and Hip hop, R&B stuff.. And lately, Punjabi stuff as well. I go through phases, every few months, depending on the state of mind I am in, and what I'm going through [events, etc.] in my life, at that particular stage, my music choice changes. I'd say, the only constant "band" that has been there, has to be, Vertical Horizon, Lifehouse, Jars of Clay and Switchfoot. These four, have always been there. Whether I've been really ecstatic, or extremely bored.. Or even really really upset, One of the four, or all four, have always been there, for me.. Somehow, you could say.
A lot of people that I have come across, do not feel that way towards music. Which is obviously, nothing wrong, or anything.. But they feel, as though music is just there, for a good time.. etc. Again, that's true.. I mean, when I'm cleaning my room, I usually play something really fast, something that doesn't have deep-meaningful lyrics.. Just something, I can sing along too, and you know, dust away! That is usually, my hindi music stuff. Even in that, I have a few songs, that are always on "repeat" - Usually the Atif Aslam stuff.
I've never really thought about all of this before.. Just today, whilst hearing that one song.. Made me think really hard, about what it is.. About music, about certain songs.. That make you feel so incredibly warm/happy/sad/depressed/high..etc. And that's when I realised, that I'm one of *those* people.
So, everyone.. Next time you're travelling somewhere, or even when at home. Just press "shuffle" on your music thing, and you'll be surprised what may come up!
another lonely, tear falls
I'm trying to write you this song
but I can hardly, see the page at all..
Cause it's breaking my heart,
when I look in your eyes,
and I don't see me.. anymore
When you're all I'm living for.."
This song, [Not ready for Goodbye - All 4 one] was probably my most frequently played song, in 2002 - 2003.. Someone close to me, at the time, loved this song. It was always playing, everytime we went anywhere.. And it kind of stuck with me, from there on.
I haven't heard that song much, since then. Today, however, I was on the train, and my iPod was on shuffle.. That song suddenly came on, and whenever that happens, I usually skip it to the next.. Today, I listened to the whole thing, and let those memories, rush back in.
It felt.. Very.. Strange. I felt.. Very lost for a while, and also upset. It's been ages since I've sat down, and heard that song.. It was like, I was re-living some of the [good] memories. How weird is it, that something happy, can make you feel so torn apart, and so alone, all of a sudden?
Everytime someone has asked me, "what song do you like best?", or something to that affect. I'm always stuck. I don't have a "favourite" song, so to speak.. Everyday, according to how I feel, I fit to a song. That one song, explains what I'm feeling.
It's been a long time since I've actually heard all those songs, that make me remember something good, from the past few years. Songs are something.. That can take you waaaay back, a good 10 years, and make you remember something significant, that you thought you had forgotten. They can also make you cry, out of sheer pain and lonliness.
There is no particular "style" of music I listen to.. I listen to a bit of a lot, really. Apart from all of that Rap and Hip hop, R&B stuff.. And lately, Punjabi stuff as well. I go through phases, every few months, depending on the state of mind I am in, and what I'm going through [events, etc.] in my life, at that particular stage, my music choice changes. I'd say, the only constant "band" that has been there, has to be, Vertical Horizon, Lifehouse, Jars of Clay and Switchfoot. These four, have always been there. Whether I've been really ecstatic, or extremely bored.. Or even really really upset, One of the four, or all four, have always been there, for me.. Somehow, you could say.
A lot of people that I have come across, do not feel that way towards music. Which is obviously, nothing wrong, or anything.. But they feel, as though music is just there, for a good time.. etc. Again, that's true.. I mean, when I'm cleaning my room, I usually play something really fast, something that doesn't have deep-meaningful lyrics.. Just something, I can sing along too, and you know, dust away! That is usually, my hindi music stuff. Even in that, I have a few songs, that are always on "repeat" - Usually the Atif Aslam stuff.
I've never really thought about all of this before.. Just today, whilst hearing that one song.. Made me think really hard, about what it is.. About music, about certain songs.. That make you feel so incredibly warm/happy/sad/depressed/high..etc. And that's when I realised, that I'm one of *those* people.
So, everyone.. Next time you're travelling somewhere, or even when at home. Just press "shuffle" on your music thing, and you'll be surprised what may come up!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Now I'm happy!
With my newest theme!! The colours are just right, and so is the underlined thingies. I loved the cat one, obviously but I love Bassett Hounds too! Sooo... This is lovely! yaay!
=D Now I must go drive.
=D Now I must go drive.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Another, new venture!
Thanks to Tal Bhai's interesting question, I've finally thought about something, that should bring Fog, some popularity. And ofcourse, make those people out there, understand, what Fog, is all about. =D
He asked me, "If you were to write a book, what would it be called and what would it be about?".. I thought really hard.. And this is what I came up with!
- It would be called, "FogSface - Short stories on theiving Socks and Veanses."
- It would be based on the following:
Now, this book will come as a series of 8 books (at first, and with the growing popularity, I will publish more books!).. Each book will be divided into 3 short stories (listed above) - Each continuing from the last book!
These books will be marketed towards people above the age of 14.. Why 14? Because Fog uses swear words such as, "fogg off you foggin sit face!".. And also because, I think people at the age of 13 are very confused. I mean, they've just become a so-called teenager, but are still registering the fact that they are not 12 anymore. By the time they've realised they are all *cool* and teenagerified, they turn 14.. Obviously, younger children can read this.. Because there is no seriousness to the books.. It's just that, they won't understand the complexity of the characters! They have depth, you know! A lot of it.
Each of these short stories will not relate to one another. They will be labelled as follows:
1 - "Fog's Story"
2 - "PrincessBananaHammock - The sock theif's story"
3 - "Miaw's story" (obviously, the story about cat's - i.e. - Cookie and Frosty's adventures!)
Each of these books, will have three short stories, as I've said before (or have I *thinks*).. And each book will be titled according to the adventures of these three characters. For example, the first book of the eight-books series, will be an introduction-type-thing to each of the stories.. etc. So, I'll call it, "FogSface - A new way to *Mazik*".. To understand that word, you'd have to read the book..! =D
I'm afraid, that is all the information I can give you all for now.. Since it's all highly confidential! And you know.. Ahem.. Because I don't quite know the rest yet.. *Whistles innocently*
I love my idea's. I'm so totally creative, it's amazing. *Dances*.
Ahem. In other news:
- As of 8.30 PM today, Goats now say, "Baa"! According to me, that is.
- Everybody is now, my Wally. Smelly is my biggest Wally. Anisa comes next.. and it goes on. Everyone around me is now my, Wally. And to make it MINE.. I trademark and Copyright it! So here goes:
Ahem.. I have too much time on my hands. Tsk. But, to get a better understanding of My Wally thing.. Watch: Friends, Series 2 - Episode 20 - "The one where Old Yeller dies" - Watch the bit with Chandler and Joey call Richard, their, Dad. =D
I must bid you all farewell now. I have so much to do.. *Plonks down, and falls asleep*
He asked me, "If you were to write a book, what would it be called and what would it be about?".. I thought really hard.. And this is what I came up with!
- It would be called, "FogSface - Short stories on theiving Socks and Veanses."
- It would be based on the following:
- Fog and it's (mis)adventures
- Adventures of - Princess BananaHammock, The Sock Thief
- Cats - Because they have socks too!
Now, this book will come as a series of 8 books (at first, and with the growing popularity, I will publish more books!).. Each book will be divided into 3 short stories (listed above) - Each continuing from the last book!
These books will be marketed towards people above the age of 14.. Why 14? Because Fog uses swear words such as, "fogg off you foggin sit face!".. And also because, I think people at the age of 13 are very confused. I mean, they've just become a so-called teenager, but are still registering the fact that they are not 12 anymore. By the time they've realised they are all *cool* and teenagerified, they turn 14.. Obviously, younger children can read this.. Because there is no seriousness to the books.. It's just that, they won't understand the complexity of the characters! They have depth, you know! A lot of it.
Each of these short stories will not relate to one another. They will be labelled as follows:
1 - "Fog's Story"
2 - "PrincessBananaHammock - The sock theif's story"
3 - "Miaw's story" (obviously, the story about cat's - i.e. - Cookie and Frosty's adventures!)
Each of these books, will have three short stories, as I've said before (or have I *thinks*).. And each book will be titled according to the adventures of these three characters. For example, the first book of the eight-books series, will be an introduction-type-thing to each of the stories.. etc. So, I'll call it, "FogSface - A new way to *Mazik*".. To understand that word, you'd have to read the book..! =D
I'm afraid, that is all the information I can give you all for now.. Since it's all highly confidential! And you know.. Ahem.. Because I don't quite know the rest yet.. *Whistles innocently*
I love my idea's. I'm so totally creative, it's amazing. *Dances*.
Ahem. In other news:
- As of 8.30 PM today, Goats now say, "Baa"! According to me, that is.
- Everybody is now, my Wally. Smelly is my biggest Wally. Anisa comes next.. and it goes on. Everyone around me is now my, Wally. And to make it MINE.. I trademark and Copyright it! So here goes:

I must bid you all farewell now. I have so much to do.. *Plonks down, and falls asleep*
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy!!! For the first time, *I* actually put this template up myself!! It's a big day for me! =D
Saturday, October 14, 2006
I woke up on the wrong side of the world
..This morning. And by "The wrong side" I mean, the cheesy, lame side. So basically, I woke up really high. And the first thing I did, was think about what to write in my blog today. So I came up with this. =D ENJOY! =D
- Ahem. I present to you, after a very long time.. Some, Lame Jokes. Coolness, totally!
How do you make a handky dance?
- Put a little boogie in it!
What do you call two recently married spiders?
- Newlywebs!
- "It's a pity about that actress who stabbed someone with her knife.. Erm, Was it, Reese?"
- "Witherspoon?"
- "No, With her knife!"
What's brown and sticky?
- A Stick!
What is a donkey with three legs called?
- A Wonkey!
Three tomatoes are walking down the street - A poppa tomato, a momma tomato and a little baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind. Poppa tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato and smooshes him, and says, "Ketchup"..
LMAO!! That was hilarious.. Ah, Pulp-fiction!
- There are three blonde men, stranded on an island. Suddenly a fairy appears and offers to grant them each, one wish.
The first blonde askes to be intelligent. Instantly, he is turned into a brown-haired man, and swims off the island.
The next one asks to be even more intelligent than the previous one. Instantly, he is turned into a black haired man. He then builds a boat, and sails off the island.
The third blonde asks to become even more intelligent than the previous two..
So the fairy turns him into a woman, and she walks off, across the bridge
=D hahah! =D
- Mind if I walk with you, until it's safe down there, where I farted?
- Is your surname, "Summer"? - Cause, you're HOT!
- Hershey factories make millions of kisses a day.. But I'm asking for only one!
- You don't need car keys, to drive me crazy!
- Remember me?? Oh, that's right! I've only met you, in my dreams..
- You look a lot like my future wife/husband
- If you were a burger at McDonalds, you'd be called the McGorgeous
- Is that the sun coming up? Or was that just you, lighting up my world?
- (look at the person).. And people say, there are only 7 wonders in this world.
- I know I don't have a chance.. But I just wanted to hear, an angel talk
- (Walk up to that person and hold out your hand) Say: Would you mind holding on to this, whilst I take a walk?
=D Awwwe!! some of these are pretty cute, I have to admit. And to everyone who is single, and ready to mingle (lmao!), please, use one of these on someone!! And let me know, how the slaps felt! =D
.. I'm still laughing.
Random Something:
MY SOCK!! =D GASP! I've not said anything about them, for so long! I'm so sorry, my sockses, that I've neglected you for so long.. Please forgive me!

- Ahem. I present to you, after a very long time.. Some, Lame Jokes. Coolness, totally!
How do you make a handky dance?
- Put a little boogie in it!
What do you call two recently married spiders?
- Newlywebs!
- "It's a pity about that actress who stabbed someone with her knife.. Erm, Was it, Reese?"
- "Witherspoon?"
- "No, With her knife!"
What's brown and sticky?
- A Stick!
What is a donkey with three legs called?
- A Wonkey!
Three tomatoes are walking down the street - A poppa tomato, a momma tomato and a little baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind. Poppa tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato and smooshes him, and says, "Ketchup"..
LMAO!! That was hilarious.. Ah, Pulp-fiction!
- There are three blonde men, stranded on an island. Suddenly a fairy appears and offers to grant them each, one wish.
The first blonde askes to be intelligent. Instantly, he is turned into a brown-haired man, and swims off the island.
The next one asks to be even more intelligent than the previous one. Instantly, he is turned into a black haired man. He then builds a boat, and sails off the island.
The third blonde asks to become even more intelligent than the previous two..
So the fairy turns him into a woman, and she walks off, across the bridge
=D hahah! =D
Now, on to the next lame thing - That's right, "pick-up lines"!
- Mind if I walk with you, until it's safe down there, where I farted?
- Is your surname, "Summer"? - Cause, you're HOT!
- Hershey factories make millions of kisses a day.. But I'm asking for only one!
- You don't need car keys, to drive me crazy!
- Remember me?? Oh, that's right! I've only met you, in my dreams..
- You look a lot like my future wife/husband
- If you were a burger at McDonalds, you'd be called the McGorgeous
- Is that the sun coming up? Or was that just you, lighting up my world?
- (look at the person).. And people say, there are only 7 wonders in this world.
- I know I don't have a chance.. But I just wanted to hear, an angel talk
- (Walk up to that person and hold out your hand) Say: Would you mind holding on to this, whilst I take a walk?
=D Awwwe!! some of these are pretty cute, I have to admit. And to everyone who is single, and ready to mingle (lmao!), please, use one of these on someone!! And let me know, how the slaps felt! =D
.. I'm still laughing.
Random Something:
MY SOCK!! =D GASP! I've not said anything about them, for so long! I'm so sorry, my sockses, that I've neglected you for so long.. Please forgive me!

Friday, October 13, 2006
Friday the 13th - Second Part
Okay, so it's the end of my day.. And I've learnt so many things, from this mythified day. Let me enlighten you all..
- "From Dusk Till Dawn" - Ahem. Was meant to be that way.. =$ Meaning, the patheticness of the whole movie. Tsk Tsk. If only I wasn't so slow today. =$
- When there are clear instructions written on the TV, at the train station.. I am to follow them. I shouldn't be clever, and wait around like a soggy tissue, for a train to come and get me. Even though, it clearly stated, that trains had been cancelled and/or delayed.
- Each time I got on to the train today, which was four times.. I sat on a dirty seat. Or, I stood next to a very excited-salivating dog. And each time, it was the shorter trains (i.e. Only 4 coaches, instead of 8).. So you can imagine the claustrophobicness. Gasp
- 30 minutes away from college, I realise that I'm going to be late, since the train was horribly delayed. I get off the train, and see my bus go right past me, and the wind behind it, freezes me completely. I walk down to the bus stop anyway.. and wait. And wait. And wait some more, till I realise that my bus has passed again. How did that happen, you wonder? Well, seeing, as the bus I usually take is a double decker bus, this one was a small singular one. And I got confused, and didn't bother reading the number on it. So I chased it, half way down the street, with my hair getting frizzier by the second (due to the heavy fog), and my mobile dropping to the floor. Luckily, the traffic signal was red, so the bus stopped, and the driver (bless him!), actually took me in. I think he saw how frantically I was running so early in the morning, and so, he felt sorry for me. =D
- I should never, get out of bed, and put on my jumper and jammies, without looking in the mirror! I found, after I got to college, that my jumper was creased, twisted and my jammies were on the other way. Tsk.
To sum up, I think I had a pretty good day =D
- "From Dusk Till Dawn" - Ahem. Was meant to be that way.. =$ Meaning, the patheticness of the whole movie. Tsk Tsk. If only I wasn't so slow today. =$
- When there are clear instructions written on the TV, at the train station.. I am to follow them. I shouldn't be clever, and wait around like a soggy tissue, for a train to come and get me. Even though, it clearly stated, that trains had been cancelled and/or delayed.
- Each time I got on to the train today, which was four times.. I sat on a dirty seat. Or, I stood next to a very excited-salivating dog. And each time, it was the shorter trains (i.e. Only 4 coaches, instead of 8).. So you can imagine the claustrophobicness. Gasp
- 30 minutes away from college, I realise that I'm going to be late, since the train was horribly delayed. I get off the train, and see my bus go right past me, and the wind behind it, freezes me completely. I walk down to the bus stop anyway.. and wait. And wait. And wait some more, till I realise that my bus has passed again. How did that happen, you wonder? Well, seeing, as the bus I usually take is a double decker bus, this one was a small singular one. And I got confused, and didn't bother reading the number on it. So I chased it, half way down the street, with my hair getting frizzier by the second (due to the heavy fog), and my mobile dropping to the floor. Luckily, the traffic signal was red, so the bus stopped, and the driver (bless him!), actually took me in. I think he saw how frantically I was running so early in the morning, and so, he felt sorry for me. =D
- I should never, get out of bed, and put on my jumper and jammies, without looking in the mirror! I found, after I got to college, that my jumper was creased, twisted and my jammies were on the other way. Tsk.
To sum up, I think I had a pretty good day =D
Friday the 13th
Woo Hoo. Like Omg! The headless-horse-person-type-thing will totally haunt you tonight!! Don't go out with your black cat, and make sure you keep a close eye on the witches, flying above and make sure no mirrors crack! And ooh! To be extra-cautious, keep tossing salt over the table! Gasp. What non-sense!
Today's talk of the day in college was, "I'm not going out bruv. It's the *firt-een-fh* innit." To hear guys saying that, who look all "thug-ish", is absolutely hilarious! =D To make things even more chilly for some people, we watched, From Dusk Till Dawn, in media studies. A pretty daft and horrible movie. Nothing like a bad horror movie on Friday the 13th. It was so horrible, that *I* actually laughed, when the bad-guys, became vampires. It was rather pathetic.
Seeing as it's one of those myth-ified days, most of the channels tonight, will air horror/thriller movies.. I'm waiting for something good tonight, actually!
I've always been very scared of horror movies. I actually hid behind a pillow, throughout, "The Ring". But then again, that was a really scary movie. *Shivers*. But recently, especially after, (the recent), The Omen, which released on 6.6.06 - It was also, very rubbish.. I've become quite un-scared (erm?).. And I've finally realised, that there won't be a boogeyman (although, I still stand firm, that he exists!) under my bed, after I've watched a horror movie! =D It's an achievement, after 18 years, that I feel this way.. Honestly, it REALLY is. =$
Back to what I was talking about, yes. Friday the 13th. Seeing as many people, actually believe that the worst can happen on this day.. It's rather silly. Any day can be unlucky for many. I mean, I wake up on horrible days, where nothing goes right, and I end up sleeping at 6pm, just to get to 12am - and past that day. But why choose one day, this day? Sigh.
I mean, Halloween is around the corner as well.. Maybe it's saying something to us =O! GASP! We're all in for bad luck, this month! =O!
Halloween is fun, for those who celebrate it. Others, like my family.. Don't care too much about it. We have the odd person knocking on our door, asking for "trick or treats".. But that's about it really.
Let's see how my day goes today. I shall be sure to update my blog, after the day is over.. To let you all know of my (mis)adventures, if any come about. =D
Otherwise, hope you have a lovely Friday the 13th! Make sure your cat isn't black. Damnit. I just realised, Cookie is black. Tsk.
I hear the headless-horseman riding towards me, I must leave now!
Today's talk of the day in college was, "I'm not going out bruv. It's the *firt-een-fh* innit." To hear guys saying that, who look all "thug-ish", is absolutely hilarious! =D To make things even more chilly for some people, we watched, From Dusk Till Dawn, in media studies. A pretty daft and horrible movie. Nothing like a bad horror movie on Friday the 13th. It was so horrible, that *I* actually laughed, when the bad-guys, became vampires. It was rather pathetic.
Seeing as it's one of those myth-ified days, most of the channels tonight, will air horror/thriller movies.. I'm waiting for something good tonight, actually!
I've always been very scared of horror movies. I actually hid behind a pillow, throughout, "The Ring". But then again, that was a really scary movie. *Shivers*. But recently, especially after, (the recent), The Omen, which released on 6.6.06 - It was also, very rubbish.. I've become quite un-scared (erm?).. And I've finally realised, that there won't be a boogeyman (although, I still stand firm, that he exists!) under my bed, after I've watched a horror movie! =D It's an achievement, after 18 years, that I feel this way.. Honestly, it REALLY is. =$
Back to what I was talking about, yes. Friday the 13th. Seeing as many people, actually believe that the worst can happen on this day.. It's rather silly. Any day can be unlucky for many. I mean, I wake up on horrible days, where nothing goes right, and I end up sleeping at 6pm, just to get to 12am - and past that day. But why choose one day, this day? Sigh.
I mean, Halloween is around the corner as well.. Maybe it's saying something to us =O! GASP! We're all in for bad luck, this month! =O!
Halloween is fun, for those who celebrate it. Others, like my family.. Don't care too much about it. We have the odd person knocking on our door, asking for "trick or treats".. But that's about it really.
Let's see how my day goes today. I shall be sure to update my blog, after the day is over.. To let you all know of my (mis)adventures, if any come about. =D
Otherwise, hope you have a lovely Friday the 13th! Make sure your cat isn't black. Damnit. I just realised, Cookie is black. Tsk.
I hear the headless-horseman riding towards me, I must leave now!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
I've fallen in love..
..All over again.. With Backstreet Boys. It's video's like these, that make me suddenly realise, after a long long time, how much I've missed them. Sigh.. They were my number one band. Nick Carter was supposed to marry me, and AJ was meant to be my high school sweetheart! I had everything figured out with them.. I was absolutely madly in love with them! And I think I might just be venturing down that path, yet again. =D Sigh..
Watch this video - I agree, the lyrics are pretty sad and any old person could have written them, cause they're pretty usual and nothing too great. But it's just seeing them sing it, and seeing them in that video, that makes it all worthwhile. Sigh.
Watch this video - I agree, the lyrics are pretty sad and any old person could have written them, cause they're pretty usual and nothing too great. But it's just seeing them sing it, and seeing them in that video, that makes it all worthwhile. Sigh.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Random Babblings!
- I'm trying to think, if "babbling" is an actual word. I think it's meant to be "blabbings".
- I have about 30 or so flea bites all over me. *Itch, Itch, Scratch, Scratch*! They are painfully scratchy and so ugly.
- The cats are flea-less for the moment. =D FINALLY!!
- I'm wondering what next DVD I'll get in the post.
- HOUSE, season 1, was brilliant. Yes, I am two seasons behind.. But that was a wicked season finale!!
- Why is it, when I open my fast, I can't seem to eat anything.. But throughout the day, I think of the most sinful foods, and sometimes, I buy them. Tsk tsk.
- I'm baking a cake tonight! =D =D I hope it doesn't turn out podgey and watery like last time *whistles innocently*. And, I'm making it from scratch!! Omg!
- I'm currently wiping my legs with an anti insect thing. It smells like a hospital, and it's burning every part of my itched fleshed skin.
- We're currently planning a family outing to.. Wait for it.. WOOLWORTHS! WOO HOO!
- I think I'm going to make the instant custard mix, custard. I can't do everything from scratch now, can I.
- I'm drooling at the sight of a gorgeous cake on the internet.
- London Transport - is the most smelliest thing on earth - Even more smelly than Smelly himself. It smells of Urine, beer, ciggies, spit, dog poo, unwashed clothes and other such things. How hard is it to shower? I mean, EVEN Smelly showers daily now! If he can do it, anyone can!
- I must run now, and go bake a cake called, "death by chocolate" MWAHAHAHA!! =D And there goes my diet - all the way out of the window. Woo hoo!
- I have about 30 or so flea bites all over me. *Itch, Itch, Scratch, Scratch*! They are painfully scratchy and so ugly.
- The cats are flea-less for the moment. =D FINALLY!!
- I'm wondering what next DVD I'll get in the post.
- HOUSE, season 1, was brilliant. Yes, I am two seasons behind.. But that was a wicked season finale!!
- Why is it, when I open my fast, I can't seem to eat anything.. But throughout the day, I think of the most sinful foods, and sometimes, I buy them. Tsk tsk.
- I'm baking a cake tonight! =D =D I hope it doesn't turn out podgey and watery like last time *whistles innocently*. And, I'm making it from scratch!! Omg!
- I'm currently wiping my legs with an anti insect thing. It smells like a hospital, and it's burning every part of my itched fleshed skin.
- We're currently planning a family outing to.. Wait for it.. WOOLWORTHS! WOO HOO!
- I think I'm going to make the instant custard mix, custard. I can't do everything from scratch now, can I.
- I'm drooling at the sight of a gorgeous cake on the internet.
- London Transport - is the most smelliest thing on earth - Even more smelly than Smelly himself. It smells of Urine, beer, ciggies, spit, dog poo, unwashed clothes and other such things. How hard is it to shower? I mean, EVEN Smelly showers daily now! If he can do it, anyone can!
- I must run now, and go bake a cake called, "death by chocolate" MWAHAHAHA!! =D And there goes my diet - all the way out of the window. Woo hoo!
I am thinking about..
How I'm going to eat that giant cookie, bit by bit.. Savouring every bite, in just a few hours. Yummy.
I said..
"Who is a cute little baby? Who is masi's good boy? That's wight! Ith my Thuf Thuf!! Masi's Big boy!! My chiccckkkeeennn! *Slobbery kiss*"
I want to..
Go to Dubai
I wish..
I didn't have so much homework! And I wish I could drive already!
I miss..
A lot of things.
I hear..
The hoover and Thuf Thuf saying, "aaaahhhhhhh *brrr brr* Aaahhhhhhh *brrrrr*"
I wonder..
What Smelly is doing right now.
I regret..
Gasp! Where do I start?
I am..
Starving, Sneezy.. And having a bad hair day.
I dance..
Better than Smelly.. But still, Like a Clown. =D I dance just like Fog! =D
I sing..
In the bathroom.
I cry..
Like a big baby!! And at least once a week. I'm a bit of an emotional wreck. =D
I am not always..
Understanding and Supportive and Honest
I write..
So that I can entertain people, who understand my rather dry sense of humour.. And because, I obviously love writing! =)
I confuse..
A lot of things, everyday. It's a habit now. I call Thuf Thuf - Cookie or Frosty. And I call the cats - Yousuf. Sigh.
I need..
Food! And some STRONG coffee.
I should try..
To talk more, and do a lot of things differently.
I finish..
All my greens, All the time! *Sparkle* =D
And I tag..
Whoever wants to be tagged.
-- Sometimes I wonder, why exactly do I do such silly things! Oh well. --
How I'm going to eat that giant cookie, bit by bit.. Savouring every bite, in just a few hours. Yummy.
I said..
"Who is a cute little baby? Who is masi's good boy? That's wight! Ith my Thuf Thuf!! Masi's Big boy!! My chiccckkkeeennn! *Slobbery kiss*"
I want to..
Go to Dubai
I wish..
I didn't have so much homework! And I wish I could drive already!
I miss..
A lot of things.
I hear..
The hoover and Thuf Thuf saying, "aaaahhhhhhh *brrr brr* Aaahhhhhhh *brrrrr*"
I wonder..
What Smelly is doing right now.
I regret..
Gasp! Where do I start?
I am..
Starving, Sneezy.. And having a bad hair day.
I dance..
Better than Smelly.. But still, Like a Clown. =D I dance just like Fog! =D
I sing..
In the bathroom.
I cry..
Like a big baby!! And at least once a week. I'm a bit of an emotional wreck. =D
I am not always..
Understanding and Supportive and Honest
I write..
So that I can entertain people, who understand my rather dry sense of humour.. And because, I obviously love writing! =)
I confuse..
A lot of things, everyday. It's a habit now. I call Thuf Thuf - Cookie or Frosty. And I call the cats - Yousuf. Sigh.
I need..
Food! And some STRONG coffee.
I should try..
To talk more, and do a lot of things differently.
I finish..
All my greens, All the time! *Sparkle* =D
And I tag..
Whoever wants to be tagged.
-- Sometimes I wonder, why exactly do I do such silly things! Oh well. --
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