Thursday, August 10, 2006

Special Delivery

Over the past few days, all I have been doing is - Lazing around. It has been the most beautiful experience, ever. I've had the chance to go to my sister's house in Blackburn, but I decided against it. Why? Because I simply cannot move from my comfort zone (albeit, her house is my second comfort zone) and I cannot bear the thought of leaving the house. Gasp. I have issues.

- I've started watching One Tree Hill all over again,from season one. The desperate wait is making me anxious and so, to calm me down, I've started all over again. And, ahem.. The saddest bit is, even though I know what happens, I still get all happy/sad/shocked at what happens in the episode. =D

- Seven days exactly till my AS-Level results are out. Gasp. Gasp. Gasp. *Faint*. I tried predicting my grades, but I got as far as.. "So, I think.. I got a.. B. No, no.. Erm. C? Nah!! Definitely a D.. Can't be.. It was terrible. An E??".. So I'm not going to think about it, and I'm not going to try and be all clever to predict my grades. It's quite stupid.

- On the 27th of September, One Tree Hill, Season 4 releases. *Thud*.

- I've been reading books, that I got from the library.. I got ones that are the kind that Ayisha and I read all the time. I.E. - Teenage/Mid-twenties Romance/Comic/Drama Novels. The one I just finished, I already knew the ending of the book before I started. I went through torment throughout the boring book, just to prove to myself how inteligent I really am. *Pleased Smile.* However, I did feel as though I wasted those hours of my life. Tsk. And Because of that, the next book I'm going to read is - Dan Brown's Angels and Demons. Yaay for me!

- Cookie has made me very proud over the past few days. This is what happened:
We were all in the garden, and Faisal bhai was trying to make Frosty realise there was another cat in the garden (Tiger). Frosty got all furr-upped-growly-why-are-you-in-my-garden-noises, and Faisal bhai was very happy. Frosty jumped to get Tiger out of the garden, when suddenly, Cookie came, and chased away Tiger, FROM OUT OF NOWHERE! Apparentely, he was observing the situation from far, and with time, he crept forward, and chased Tiger out. *Does dance*. I'm so proud of my little Coochi Coo! Although I'm pretty sure, if he were human, and had I just said that, I'd probably have a toothpick stuck in my ear.

- I've officially stopped eating/drinking junk. Apart from Ribena (which technically isn't JUNK. Afterall, it is made from 95% of all Britains Blackcurrents. I.E. An amazing 13 billion of Blackcurrents. Gasp. So hence, I'm actually drinking something that is very good for me, and my TEETH. And no. It's completely non-artificial, and etc. And anyway, why are YOU looking at me accusingly.) and Chocolates. I've cut down a lot okay. It's been a hard journey to where I am now, but I'm proud, nevertheless. *Carefully unwraps a bar of chocolate*.

- I think I'm insane. I can hear bee's and flies everywhere. I suddenly look all frantically all over my room, with my heart beating fast, and I find nothing. Hmm. Have I lost my marbles? Or are these horrible, yet smart creatures, trying to make me go crazy. If so, they're doing a good job you know. *Slaps ear hard, and waves hand about - to make the imaginary bee/fly go away*.

- Like, Oh my GAWD! My Mother, told me, that I'm like the prettiest of the sisters. I like, always knew. I just needed her to like, be honest. She told me, "Jessy! Princess! I think you're the most prettiest!".. I was all, "Oh my gawd! Mother! Stop itt!! I'm like so not hot! I totally think the ant is like so much more cuter than me!"..

- Self respect, down the drain. Ahem.

And with that, I'm going to go now. And actually STEP OUT OF THE HOUSE. *Imaginary pears and tomatoes break into a chorus of, N'sync's - God must've spent a little more time(On you)* - Ahem. I'm actually going to the CITY. BY MYSELF! GASP!! This should be an adventure, definitely.

Ta ra all!

Random Something:

Out of the night, that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeoninga of chance my head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears looms, but the horror of the shade, and yet the menace of the years finds, shall find, me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. - Invictus

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She only said that cos she knows how you'd react otherwise..