Today, is one year since I've moved here.
I landed here, at 6pm, exactly a year ago. It was a new beginning into a life, I hadn't quite expected. Before I came here, I had programmed my mind to do a set of things, as soon as I arrived here: To open a bank account, to sort out my college stuff, to get my travel card sorted, and to get a mobile phone number. I did all of this within the first week I was here. I had everything completed, and I had recieved all of the things mentioned above. I didn't stop once, to think to myself, what actually had happened. I was too afraid, of actually being able to move on.
I never really accepted that I had moved here, till about January/February of this year. It took me a good six months to actually settle myself here. It took a trip to Dubai, to make me realise that I've moved on with life.
This past years journey has taught me a lot. I've "grown-up" a lot, and I've finally realised that, this is home. The place where you hear the coppers every few minutes, and helicopters all over the place. The place where you can be stalked home, if you have an attractive looking hand bag. The place where.. To be honest, anything can happen. But still, I feel so at home here now. I don't feel like going back to Dubai, unless it's for a holiday. Otherwise, I'm pretty content here.
I just have to remember to do a few things differently, this time around. With a new year starting soon, with college and etc, I guess I need a more mature approach to the next chapter in my life.
Gasp. =O Who knew I could speak this way. Oh well, I can't really be a sheltered little girl for always, who runs to mummy everytime she sneezes, and wants attention. *Cough-Cough*.
A little something:
And Hansel said to Gretel,
let us drop these breadcrumbs,
so that together we can find our way.
This year, I lost my way.
And losing your way on a journey
is unfortunate.
But, losing the reason for your journey
is a fate more cruel.
The journey lasted for months.
Sometimes I travelled alone,
sometimes, there were others
who took the wheel
and, took my heart.
But when the destination was reached
It wasn't me, who arrived.
It wasn't me at all..
And once you lose yourself,
you have two choices..
Find the person you used to be,
Or lose that person completely.
Because sometimes,
You have to step outside the person you've been
and remember the person you were meant to be.
The person you wanted to be..
To all of you, who are about to embrace a new beginning, all the best.. Don't take it as a negative thing, or something to frown about. Whatever happens, it's for the best.
Thank you, to everyone who has put up with me, this past year. I've been an idiot at times, and a bigger idiot at others. But thank you for sticking by me (if you have). However, if you have not.. Well, let's just say that it's better for me. Less people to thank =D (I'm still working on becoming mean-er. I hope it's working well. =D)
Ta ra for now.
1 comment:
You weren't an idiot. Merely .. hard to deal with at times :p
Can't believe it's already been a year since you moved there and I first heard you say "My dose is frosted!". All in all .. It's been a roller coaster ride with a lot of ups and downs and turbulent bends, but looking back on it .. I don't know about you, but I think it's been amazing, a learning experience, and I wouldn't change any of it at all.
You've had to grow up :o!
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