Monday, February 28, 2011

Things that gross me out

Over the months that I have been at home, I've started to realise and analyse the smaller things about myself - such as, how different things have started to gross me out to an almost nauseous state. So here's a list of stomach-churning, awful smelling, disgusting looking and just down right repulsive things.

1. Rats/mice - Any creature that is that fast, small and wriggles into the most strangest, grimiest of places should not be kept as pets. They make me cringe, nay, scream! One of my greatest phobias.

2. The smell of urine in subways, phone boxes and side-streets.

3. The smell of unwashed clothes - and unwashed people (including the smell of sweat, smelly feet (gross!) awful body odour - especially Asians at the gym who smell like pickle and onions - Eew!).

4. East London - the buses, the people, the accent, the language, the slang, the grim feeling, everything about it makes me feel sick.

5. Unwashed feet and socks. I know I mentioned it earlier, but it makes me feel THAT sick, it needed to be mentioned twice.

6. The smell of raw meat.

7. The smell of raw egg and the taste of the yolk (so glad that I can't eat the yolk in my diet!)

8. Public toilets - for those of you who do know me well, will know that I will NEVER use public bathrooms. Ever. The only places I will consider is at restaurants/hotels/shopping malls where I have been to before, or on recommendation of another who has used the facilities. I mean, if I can go without using the bathroom for five days in India.. I'm pretty sure I can survive a few hours!

9. Spots/acne/zits/pimples - especially on the face. Especially when they're massive and protrude out of your face assuming a whole identity due to its size.

10. Hair that falls on the carpet, in the shower drain, in the toilet, in the sink or on my hair brush. I understand that women have long hair, and that it falls out, of course I do. But I could retch if I had to pick it up, especially when I don't know whose it is.

11. Blood - I have never ever had haemophobia as a child or a teenager. In fact, I used to love taking blood tests and would never mind bandaging up a wound. It's been a recent realisation, when I saw a man bleed endlessly from his nose. And now, I find myself feeling queasy every time I see blood.

12. Bad breath. This actually needs to be WAY higher up in the list. It's one of the greatest, most nasty and repulsive things to be sat across or next to somebody who has bad breath, that as well if they're in conversation with you.

13. Lizards. They're just too creepy and crawly.

14. Cockroaches/flying cockroaches - thankfully you don't get them here, but when we lived in the Middle-East they were everywhere. The worst ones were the giant flying ones. Shudder!

15. The eggy taste in a slice of bread. It can ruin my entire morning.

1 comment:

Shak said...

#4 == ouch.