Friday, February 16, 2007

So clever..

I spoke to Rakhshi after the longest time ever.. And it was one of the most refreshing, most long awaited and.. An absolutely great conversation. Which lasted for 2 and a half hours [Phone, by the way]!

Some of the best bits of today's conversation.. Ahem:

Rakhshi: *Serious tone* There's this guy called Noah, and..

Me: *Passively*.. Does he have a boat?


Me: We have houses made of bricks..

Rakhshi: Houses made of Grapes?!

There were loads!! =D But I guess you just had to be on the phone with us.. It was a great conversation, and here's to many more to come!


Azarakhsh said...

*snort* .... *breathe*

My abdominal muscles are grateful for the workout.

And my spirit says thank you

here's to more madness... *cheers*

superpowerfulman said...

crazy women