Saturday, September 02, 2006

I've been cooking!

Lately, I've been really facsinated by Cooking. It's all because I continuously watch UKTV Food. *Drool*.. So today, I decided to go ahead and make dessert. It's the second time in, 3 weeks I think.. Wow! =O Thanks to Rakhshi's recipe, I made that successfully.. This time though, I did something VERY different. Let's hope that no one goes home with a bad tummy ache.. Tsk. And I hope they like it..!

Here is my latest invention: I call it, *Drumrolls*.. My Latest Invention. (How wicked?) And also, clicky the piccies to see the REAL thing. Please, don't drool. =D



Okay, I know it looks really messy and a bit strange.. But YOU NEVER MADE ANYTHING, so There =P.. (I don't know how that works as a comeback.. Ahem. Bad, Bad attempt. *hides face*)

1 comment:

Azarakhsh said...

hey i want some!!!! WHATS IN IT?? Anything that looks like a mess is usually creamery yummy. Hungry Hungerson here in canada would like a bite [ aka all students who go to University...] Its odd in montreal.. we eat like mad and STILL manage to keep hunger calling us back.

I miss you! I want cake! Sanaaaaaaaaaaaa bakes :D woohoo

btw- i *may* not be able to come online on sunday. Heavy rains may destropy connection. Winds at 80-90mph and heavy rain 30-50mm Sigh.. stupid weather.