Mister Cookie Doppalis (excuse the horrid spelling), The First (might I add), has found a new hobbie lately. It is, to sleep in my nephews cot. Now usually. Cookie sleeps anywhere and everywhere he pleases, due to the fact that we have spoilt him rotten, since the day we brought him home. Oh please, Can you blame us. Have you seen how gorgeous and sweet..and AWWWEEE he is?? Ahem. Back to my original point.. Yes, Mister Cookie has found a new bed. Now.. How do we explain to him, that the cot is not for him, but the baby? Or, that in the morning, I kind of need my pillow to sleep on. I am sick of falling off the bed. But then, I see him all curled up, and purring away.. I can't help but fall off the bed, and get all "awwe" over him. I then, curl up under the bed, myself.. And sleep on the cold hard floor, whilst the Cat has his peaceful sleep.
Lately, I've been paying extremely close attention to the way everyone speaks in my college. Everyone as in, the students in my classes and my tutors. My tutors have pretty clean english, and they do not use any sort of shortened forms of words, nor do they use, the common and most disgusting, "brit-slang". I hate all types of slang-ified talking. I was in my psychology lecture this afternoon, and one of the blokes go, "Roland, this study is bare hard man. Aint there not an easier study, blad (who cares how you spell it!)." I felt this horrid churning in my stomach as I looked around, at every single face in the classroom. EVERY SINGLE one of them, speak like that. I have been here for over 8 months now, and I still find it absolutely gross. I'm sorry, but people who speak like that, are just plain daft. How can you go on, and on, speaking in such a sick way?? They swear, after each and every word, to begin with. Secondly, they use such schupid (my new way of saying, stupid, without actually saying "stupid".. Make sense of that =P) words to convey their sad thoughts. Argh. It irritates me so much.. I was actually sitting there in class, trying to get some notes down, when all of a sudden, they all begin to roar at once, about absolute crap. I mean, is it really, REALLY that hard to speak normally?? Fine, use slang.. But not in such a way, where it makes you seem so illiterate, when you are not. Or maybe you are.
Phew. I finally got that out.
So anyway, yesterday I found out that I got two A's in both my courseworks!! - English and Media studies by the way! - I'm so glad I got wicked grades!! Obviously, all credit goes to Puj, for media. Because, if I had submitted what I actually did at first (you know, the "blood donation advertisment" that everyone said, looked like a bad attempt in creating a sad horror movie poster. Ahem.) on MICROSOFT PAINT, (might I add *looks extremely pleased*) then, right now, Id've landed with a much, MUCH, MUCH lower grade. And please note the extreme emphasis on the "MUCH".. I was pretty chuffed at my whole attempt on paint. I actually went ahead, and practically did most of my coursework(*) on paint. Yes, it looked rather sad, dull and very very.. well. Let's just say, I even put Microsoft Paint, to shame.. So you can imagine, how catastrophic it was. Until, Puj saved me.. He helped me a lot, whilst I went on, complaining, whinning and oh yes, complaining some more.. About lots of non-sense, in the process. Ahem. I am so sorry.. But yes, all credit goes to him!! =D However, the "A" in english, is mine!! =D I actually wrote a pretty decent essay.. I usually hate all my work, to be honest, and if it isn't clear by now.. But that was one time, I was particularly pleased with what I had produced!! *Cheesy smile* =) And I'm sure that, that is the last time I will ever be pleased with anything I do.. Apart from the "Blood donation Advertisment" that I created. Yep. I'm talented. *Chokes, whilst falling on the floor.. Laughing.*
(*) - For those of you, who do not know what in heaven's name I am blabbing about.. I had to create a magazine, well at least a front cover, and 2 sheets from the magazine, as a piece of coursework, for AS Media Studies.. I created a health magazine, which dealt with teenage health problems - mainly, Anorexia. It wasn't anything like the common, "Bliss" or "sugar".. I can't believe I used to read those. Tsk Tsk..
I shall go now, and sleep. I have to wake up and study. What fun.
..Also, No offence to the family members, who speak in slang as well. I still love you all. And always will. =D
So ta ra..! Good luck, to everyone..!! Study hard *Grr*.
Random Something:
Since it is the most stressful and frustrating time of the year, for many of us.. Here is something, to keep you calm.
Sometimes, I just look at these pictures, to remind myself of all the good things I have.. When I get all upset or irritated at someone/something. I usually find myself, saying sorry to the person, shortly after. ahem. =P Nah.. These pictures are just to give me a little nudge, back into reality.. Telling me, that I have a lot, that I should be happy and proud for. And also, to remind myself, to complain and frown less. Tsk Tsk. Which then make me go all "sigh" and feel all lost.. And, yes. Girlie. Oh dear god, no. I said it..
Anyway, just take a look at them.. Hope they help in some way or another. They are absolutely beautiful..!! If you want more scenic and gorgeous pictures.. Click here!
1 comment:
-Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs; "the irony of Ireland's copying the nation she most hated"
-Is a form of speech in which the real meaning is concealed or contradicted by the words used.
-A meaning (often contradictory) concealed behind the apparent meaning of a word or phrase.
-Someone who seriously thinks that FOG is a valid form of communication, complaining about the language of other people.
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