Tuesday, May 06, 2008


So I turned 20. Hahahaha. Sorry.. It just sounded like a joke in my head. But then I said it aloud, and it was real. Tsk.

Yep. The big Two Zero - 20. I don't know how in heaven's name I turned that old. I mean, I'm not a teenager any more! No more.. "-teen" stuck to my age! No more pretending to be all cool because I'm a teenager (though I'm pretty sure I don't need to do that any more either, considering how cool I am *Ooh*). But you know.. It's a big deal! I don't get why the 21st birthday is so important. Surely, turning 20 is far more important, considering how you're just getting out of the whole teenage thing completely, and kind of stuck in a weird stage where you don't really know what to call yourself. But to be fair I don't really feel any different - only because I think I've mentally shrunk to being 5 again.

I had *the* most brilliant birthday. Sure, I've had some pretty cool birthdays before, but they were all awesome in their own way. This one though, was spent just with my friends. And I think I've not had that in years. At least not with such good friends like these. And all I'll mention is.. it included a little something that shot up my adrenaline levels, and literally took me higher than I've been before. Yes my fellow readers.. That's right. Stealth. It's all about STEALTH. To those of you who are currently uneducated and living in remote parts of the world (See - Dubai, Sydney, Montreal.. Etc), it is the most brilliant-est ride at Thorpe Park (again - that being an amusement/theme park)! Oh how I enjoy making foreigners feel inferior! =D Tsk.

That wasn't all that happened. Cake was also involved. And by involved I mean - yes, all over my hair and clothes. I ended up smelling like puke and looking like I couldn't handle myself and therefore poo'd in my white trousers. Tsk. Other things were thrown to me too - of which, I think included - orange and lemon peels and juice, and coke or something to that effect.

So, I would say - yep, it was a pretty awesome day.

Now, on to more depressing and you know, kind of - a little - important. Exams. Yes.. That thing. Well it's my first set of exams here at uni.. And considering how they all told us about it in the beginning, I think it's safe to say that no one is really taking them seriously. Why? Because when the lecturer's first words of a first lecture are.. "And the first year of Psychology counts 0% Towards your overall degree, and you are allowed to fail 2 out of 6 exams so as to progress to the next year. Don't worry, the second and third year is where you do all the work. The first year is just there as an excuse.. For something I have no idea about".. - You kind of get the feeling that it's all play and no work kind of situation. Tsk.

Having said that, I'm actually studying pretty hard. Okay.. Maybe that's a bit of a lie. But you know.. Pretty hard can also mean that every morning I set out all my books and notes all over my room, and take about an hour to get everything in order, and then go on to watching Eastenders, or general trash on TV.. Then yes, I am working pretty hard. Cough.

On that note, I think I'm very certain that my mum's next words will be.. "Let's take you back home". Tsk.

I joke.. Ahem. Or do I?

Hey man.. In my defence, you only go to uni once. Unless you become one of those people who have about 50 different postgraduate degrees, and like 10 masters and 5 PhD's.. (If any of that is possible).

On another note:

I dislike people who have to have a reason for everything they do/say. And need to back it up with intense and useless information. And increasing amounts of immaturity from other people has been taking it's toll on me - In simple words, I may.. Just may push you down the stairs "accidently". Cough.

.. And that's about it from me. In another 364 days I turn 21. Yep - that's exactly how sad I am.


Anonymous said...

You old woman! hahaha 21 is important !! Ur legal all over the world! Oh oh and i do understand wot ur on about even tho im a *foreigner*!

Shak said...

Happy birthday! Man, they grow up so fast, sniff :(