Friday, July 13, 2007

You jump.. I jump, Jack!

The past week has been quite tolerable compared to the rest of the year so far.. Which is new to me. I had plenty of interesting moments with Ayisha, and myself actually.. Again, a suprise to me. And, I got over my fears of planes (well, sort of.)

I went Gliding on Sunday.. And it was brilliant. Although it's technically not an aeroplane, which makes it even scarier, it was so much fun. Up in the air, 2,500 feet above the ground.. And circling just beneath the clouds was a sense of peace. It was gorgeous. It was brilliant because I got to control the glider for about 10 - 15 minutes myself.. And at first it was a bit nerve-wrecking, just for a minute.. but then it just all seemed so fantastic! Martin, my instructor, taught me how to straighten the glider, how to get it down to a certain level highness, how to make sure the nose stays straight and not too high or low (both ways - extreme pressure to the head, that inevitably lead to a disgusting migraine!). But it was a great experience. Next on the list: Bungee Jumping or Sky diving!

Today is Friday the 13th.. Need I say anymore. I've already ranted about this before. And it still stays the same! Apart from the fact that I'd find myself lucky to see a headless horseman ride through the streets of crummy old Forest Gate at 11.59PM tonight. I mean come on, how often do you get to see a "headless" horseman eh?

In other things:

1 - Stop asking me if I'm "okay" or not.. Just because my posts have been rather sombre.

2 - Women tend to blame men for all of their issues. I don't understand why, because well.. More often than not, it's the women who cause the issues! Unless the man is one to cheat, I think all of the problems start with the women. They have this thing in them, which just makes them say and do stupid things.. Also known as, Hormones. Even without them, women are just problem-creators, and have generally nothing better to do than to blame men for everything. Tsk. How sad it must be for men, to sit and listen to women go on and on about absolute crap. As you can tell, I'm not a fan of the female specie.

3 - I'm all variations of what boredom does to someone. Make sense of that.

4 - If someone does not want to go somewhere, and socialise with people, do not force them. It is irritating, and absolutely blood-boilingly unnecessary. Instead, just let them be, and if they want to come along, they will. Because, all family gatherings are usually boring, pointless and artificial. Stay home, and stare at the wall.. At least you'll have a better conversation.. Or laugh.

5 - The year of 2007 is the worst year to have ever been witnessed by many. Eugh.

6 - "Give me a reason to believe".. Is one of the most cleverest things someone out there has said!

7 - I need to go somewhere.

And that's about it for now.


Anonymous said...

as the french say , " cherchez la femme" ... couldnt agree with you more. As as we agreed, there's a hole in the sock so people please stop trying to mend it with a chainsaw bayonet.

Anonymous said...

Very true about women blaming men for everything, i mean like what did we do?! But then again, 'women' are always right, so we're just stuck O_O