Saturday, February 03, 2007

Alot of nothing

I've had a pretty busy week, what with all the University stuff, and organising myself for their open days.

It's been really exciting, and a bit nerve-wrecking too! The first open day is for Royal Holloway, on the 14th of Feb. I'm going by myself, and trying to figure my way to there has been quite interesting. After visiting 6 websites, looking at the Great Britain Map, and emailing the person incharge of the open day, I realise that the directions are already there.. On the leaflet provided by the university, which was RIGHT infront of me. Tsk Tsk. And after the w
hole thinking that it'd be a 2+ hour journey from home to there.. I look at the leaflet, and all it says is: "There are frequent services from London Waterloo to Egham [Approximately 40 minutes]".. Did I hit myself? Why ofcourse. I wasted about an hour and half doing all sorts.. I *actually* took out the massivest great britain map book ever. So, my fellow people.. What does this teach you? I'll tell you..

Always *read* ALL information given to you by Universities. However boring/long it may seem.. You'll be surprised how much you can learn about them, just by reading a 2 page leaflet.

Also.. Don't follow my footsteps. *shakes head*

So now that I have all of my offers, all that is left for me is to decide which one I want to go to.. Which I'll only know, once I go visit them personally. =D

Look out world, the most intimidating, most confident, most bestest, most brilliantest, most wonderfulest, most wowest, and most cleverest person is coming through! MAKE WAY!
[I can't pull that off =(]


If I was you, I'd just look out. I'm on the loose.. Be scared, be very scared..


Anonymous said...

be scared becuase darling sockses ammunition contains feathers. Lots of feather. Oh and furballs too. Heehee! this entry is TOO TRUE about the university leaflets. READ E=V=E=R=Y=T=H=I=N=G people. Right down to the very last fine-printed copyright agreements. Who knows, there may be inscribed bar codes for bank thefts. *ooh*
Anyways, enjoy the open houses darl. *countdown to uni begins* Yayyyyy

Anonymous said...

dont forget to wear shoes mister

Anonymous said...

Ya soes

Anonymous said...

does ya have veanses?