Everyone knows me as the "Cat Lady".. I love cats. And other animals. Ever since I've been young we've always had cats. I can't remember a time when we were without any sort of pets, be it cats or Quails. Yes. Don't ask. So without further adieu, I present to you a list of names for Cat's and other animals.
1 - Gustavo Einz Beinz Drienz.
2 - Vladamir
3 - Ninnubee
4 - Bumblebee
5 - The Bee
6 - Socks
7 - Misterchief
8 - Farmy
9 - The Little Cow
10 - Cheesy
11 - Fatty
12 - Fluffy
13 - Sheep
14 - Old Man
15 - Mungat Singh
16 - Dafty
17 - Blackie
18 - Softie
19 - Smelly
20 - Gujju
21 - Bujhi
22 - Kariyo (black in gujji. Tsk)
23 - Cookie
24 - Cookie Wookie
25 - Gorgoeous Porgeous
26 - Horsey
27 - Bunny
28 - Pigeon
29 - Wally
30 - My little: Gorgeous, boy, girl, drooly baby, baby, wet nose, fatty.. And so on.
.. I just realised that these are names we call Cookie. Ahem. And I wonder why I don't have many friends.. Tsk Tsk. =D
cat lady already? NICE! Where's your knitting and rocking chair???
How can they be hyper AND lazy?
Ooh ooh Sanaa - I found the CUTEST picture online and it reminded me of your cats - cuz ones black and the others white...
How am I going to show this to you? :S
Hehe! Awwe, you can just erm.. Forward it to me - link me here, or you could ask dilini/rakhshi for my email address =)
Poor Cookie. You call him everything from chicken to boy to girl to random syllables like "Buji Wuu!"
No wonder he humps pillows/slippers/chairs - despite being neutered - and attacks me ..
You really are going to grow into a scraggly, wrinkly old woman living in the creepy house by the corner that always smells of cabbage with over a dozen adopted cats..
..Indeed. =P
I will grow into an old woman, who smells of cats and eats cat biscuits all day with her dentures.
no no, No dentures. You're too old fashioned for dentures. You'd just eat soft, mushed food with no teeth in your gums.
In the mean while, your cats would be treated like royalty whilst you would walk with a hump in your back and sleep on a rickety old wooden bed.
What a wonderful future you have =/
Or you could be all rich and elegant like that lady in "The Aristocats" and leave your fortune to your cats then they can have a nice fun adventure where the second in line for your fortune will try to kill them but good will always triumph in the end and the house will be open to all cats becasue even alley cats are cats...
You get the idea :D
And with all that money you could buy yourself a nice non creaky solid bed, eat gourmet food and make your house and not creepy as possible...
Make sure you get that money!
I think I'm in for an interesting future. =O Cats, cats and more cats? Mushed food!! And a non creaky bed! Gasp. How about I have a bit of both?
I *certainly* WILL have a lot of cats. =)
Ahem. =)
Second in line to her fortune .. Pff, It'd be me trying to kill them!
*Why do I get the feeling that she's going to be killing me soon? =/*
Soon.. =P
Look behind you.
I'm so scary (H)
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