Apparently, exactly 4 (counting the rest of this uneventful day so far) days till I have to submit my coursework. I know, you must be thinking that I seriously have nothing better to do 11 am in the morning, but to sit and write my blog, when instead I could be, writing my coursework. Well, you see because of the *cough cough* tummy ache, apparently I've lost my brain cells. Whoops. Again.
Also, I think I have to be on a train to college in approximately 3 minutes.. *Still wearing nightdress, hair is worse than a witch, eyes have the biggest circles, and still insists on typing for another, 2 minutes..* Ahem, yes, I've officially missed my train.! Oh well, I shall get on to the next, and I shall use the excuse that, My cat fell asleep on my clothes, and obviously I could possibly not wear anything else, but my jumper and jeans. And with that, I lost another 2 minutes... So, Sanaa dearest will shut it, and get on with the rest of her day.. However, Since I love you all so much, I shall update my blog again, later at night.. IF, my cat isn't sleeping on my, erm..chair. *cough cough*.
Much love,
Ta ra.. Have a nice day to all those who live here.. For all those who live in the middle east, have a nice - whatever the time is there -
Random Something..
Okay, maybe not so random.. BUT DEAR GOD. Ahem.. Here is someone, that is on my top list
of the most gorgeous guys ever. He's number one after this me.
And no.. I dint publish this because of somebody.. *whistles innocently*..
Enjoy. Stop drooling you. * You know who you are..*

1 comment:
Yeeeeeeeehaaaaaa! Who be the hunky shirtless guy hmm? Is he wearing Acqua di Gio?? Is he? Is he ? Is he? * takes out harpoon and chocolate*
- oops-
*puts harpoon back...*
Btw, next time you make up an excuse, you might want to use this *coughs* that a girl in school used >>>> " Dear sir, due to the earthquake in dubai, my daughter couldnt do her homework."
so ahem... yes. Earthquake. It was a mild tremor. The floor or a car vibrates more with the revving engine.
I'm off to finish french essay about "escapism" . Not as easy as assumed.
Much Love and sealed with a hug,
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